ViCalc - Super Calculadora
Posted On maio 11, 2009 at às 21:39 by AdminOperations:
- Arithmetic operations
- Brackets
- Memory
- Ans
- Protocol
- Percent
- Trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions
- Hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions
- Grad, degree and radian. Angle conversion
- Constant Pi
- Exponential functions
- Reciprocal
- Power and root
- Logarithms
- Factorial, Combinations and Permutations
- Random number
- Coordinate conversion Rectangular <-> Polar
- Conversion Sexagesimal <-> Decimal
- Sci/Fix number format
- Logical operations
- Hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary calculations
- Integer/fractional part
- Input box / Memory swap
- Scientific constants
- Units conversion